I don't blame Mayim Bialik personally, I mean, the early 90's aren't her fault.
She actually looked really cute in the hats and the outfits...she was inspiring as a fashion icon, to teenage girls anyway.
The dolls are horrible though. They aren't as bad as the Nanny dolls that were produced-still they are horrendous.
Apparently Mayim Bialik is a stellar mother and has some unique childrearing techniques on top of it all she is a neuroscientist. Amazing woman, very inspiring.
Still, I can't let the image of the television show out of my head.
I think it was the character Joey that was most annoying, maybe that is why I can't wear the hats?
She was much cooler than Clarissa mostly because she wasn't the stereotypical blue-eyed blonde and she had style. It was comforting that a really cool girl could be a brunette with a big nose. I think I was 13 when the show was popular, so I was feeling quite awkward at the time. I could relate to her.
Shop Updates:
Springolators are finally up. I've decided to let them go, I can't wear them because they aren't my size....so some lucky person will inherit them. It makes me sad but I can't keep such a wonderful pair of shoes in a closet - they yearn to be free.
Size 9 1/2 - suede dark red SEXY-AS-HECK springolators are here
This Taupe Coach Bag is roomy and fab. It can be found here.
There is also a Green Coach Bag here
Not to mention the other bags that I've recently added here.
Its almost spring, YAY! I can't wait to get outside and mess around in my garden! I have off all this week (Spring Break) and I plan on cleaning, Doing the forty zillion assignments for school, and uploading tons of menswear!